When you are considering making a purchase from an online retailer, it’s best to look beyond the beauty of a website with its amazing designs and instead focus deeply on what it really offers. Here are some things customers should know before patronizing an online custom-made suit store.

Online Business is Booming

Today, many custom-made clothing tailors are offering their services online. Basically, their logic is the same, as follows:

Collect orders on a website, including the customer’s choice of suit and their individual measurements. Make the order. According to customers’ individual choices, ask a factory (or their own factory) to make the suit. Deliver the suit. Provide after-sale service. If for any reason the suit needs alteration, return or exchange, make sure the customer has these options.

Personalization + made to measures + lower price. Such a good combination makes a lot of people want to try ordering from these sites, even those who can easily find a perfectly fitted ready-to-wear suit in a local store. However, there is a big challenge.

Buyer Beware

Buyers should know that the customer complaint rate in this online business is much higher than in other ready-to-wear businesses, and this mostly results from wrong measurements or “bad fit.”

Where Buyers Experience the Greatest Challenge

There is a reason for this. You want to be sure that what you’re paying for and what you will receive is the best quality and best fit for you even before paying for it. If that’s true, you have to contact a good seller. Most people only decide to buy from a store because they believe the store has a good reputation, or maybe because: Now this is the greatest mistake. Finding the best custom tailored suit online isn’t about what friends or family members or a discussion forum says. It’s a personal decision made by organizing your own knowledge. You need to think differently. You need to look beyond the surface and look deeply into what this website offers. Look for businesses that actually worry about your measurements. Why is measurement so important? Well, you need to know that your measurements are what the tailors use to create the best fit.

Professional Measurements Are Important

If you want to get a real custom-made suit, then the measurements must be taken by a real professional. Measurement is the foundation for building the suit, and if a website can’t provide a tailor to take your measurements but asks you take measurement yourself, it’s the first sign that you’re probably in the wrong place. Taking measurements may seem easy to you, but it’s the most difficult task in the fashion world. Getting an accurate measurement is never easy, and once the foundation is wrong, the whole suit will be a total mess. Don’t expect a good fitting suit without good measurements. What should you do when a website claiming to be perfect in custom-tailoring suits asks you take measurements yourself, or to ask a family or friend to take your measurements? Well, the chance of making a mistake is greater than you think. One question you should ask yourself is “is the body measurement and the suit measurement the same”? If your body measurement is taken by professionals, they could also suggest the best options for the suit measurement. But is this possible if it’s done yourself or by a friend or family? This is the reason why a non-professional can never give a good measurement. Measurements are best taken with the customer’s body and figure right in front of a professional so that the correct estimate of the suit measurements can be given. This is the duty of a professional. Also, should something go wrong with the suit based on your measurements, you take the blame. The best you can get is with their “return/exchange policy”. But this could have been prevented right from the beginning by simply using professional services for your measurements. Instead of requiring customers to do measurements themselves, the better companies may have show rooms where customers can take measurements themselves with their handy instructions. Still others use professionals to provide accurate measurements. For example, the company could connect you with a nearby tailor to do this task and send the results to them.

Things to Consider Before Ordering

If you desire to get the best online custom-tailored suit, think about the following: A review of websites offering custom-tailored suits online can reveal their functionality and whether they would be good or bad choices. I’m not saying simply that any website offering professional measuring services is automatically the best company or guarantees the best service. Neither am I saying that any website that asks customers to take measurements themselves is totally bad. This article is just a guide to shoppers who want to get the best suit. You should research any website that worries less about your measurements thoroughly before using their services to avoid any poor results. Featured photo credit: jobspapa.com via philadelphia.cbslocal.com