After all, the new year is a great opportunity to have a fresh start. You can evaluate what you’ve accomplished during the last year, and clarify what you want for the year ahead of you. So you make resolutions, hoping that you’ll stick to them this time. Being greatly motivated by your goals, you get started. For the first few days, everything goes well – you’re on your way to achieving what you want! Then reality hits you. It is not as easy as you thought. You get caught up by the day-to-day operations and routine. You try to keep up your new habits and focus. But two weeks in, you quit. You stop going to the gym, or you start smoking again. What happened? And how can avoid this from occurring — again? The following infographic answers these questions. Simply click on the image below to view the full-size PDF. The blue underlined words are hyperlinks. Click on them to get more information about that particular topic.

Keep this infographic handy whenever you feel yourself slipping — and you’ll have a much better chance of keeping those resolutions this year. (Photo credit: Three Elements of True Motivation via Shutterstock)

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