What is Low T?

Low testosterone is medically diagnosed as when a blood test shows levels below 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL), see reference. Work, social life, kids (and grand kids), perhaps aging parents, and many other daily stresses demand a lot. To get the most out of life, you have to not only have the energy for all that, but also the things you love to do. When symptoms of low T strike, life is drudgery. What’s a guy to do?

Reduce Symptoms of Low Testosterone

Exercising a minimum of 30 minutes a day, reducing stress, and eating wholesome greens and protein-rich foods may be helpful in maintaining healthy testosterone. But also natural Ayurvedic ingredients (holistic Indian herbs) may boost testosterone levels and promote healthier hormonal output. Increasing the intake of beneficial herbs can help reduce symptoms and support healthy erectile function, proper body mass, and your zest for life. Bring back that confidence with these restorative herbs. Try the recipe at the end of the article!

Seven Potent Herbs for Low Testosterone


Pumpkin Seeds and Oil

Tribulus Terrestris

Known for nearly 400 years as a tonic for low testosterone in Ayurveda as well as Chinese traditional medicine, this super Ayurvedic herb is known for its vast healing properties. Its testosterone-boosting powers have many benefits, which is why many bodybuilders use tribulus root after an anabolic-steroid cycle. Tribulus can also be used to build tissue without lifting weights. It increases sex drive, a pleasant mood, and reduces the chances of premature ejaculation. One gram of tribulus can have amazing results since tribulus stimulates leutinizing hormones which instruct Leydig cells to create ample testosterone cells. The effects are increased desire, prolonged erection, and intensified orgasm. Because of its popularity with bodybuilders, tribulus terrestris is available in many supplements stores that specialize in bodybuilding. You can also find it in many health food stores and supplements stores that specialize in Ayurveda.


Be sure to use unprocessed honey and preferably local honey. The more local the better because of added benefits of allergy remediation and prevention.



Almonds are available in many stores so get some today and keep them handy for when you need a protein-rich energy boost. Eat up and have a handful a day in your favorite recipes. Try almond butter, too.


Turmeric is currently a very popular herb and condiment since it is well known to aid in many ailments and it is tasty. Turmeric is also an indispensable herb in your daily regiment due to its ability to act upon estrogen as an antagonistic element. Its active ingredient, curcumin, is vital is reducing the conversion of testosterone into DHT rapidly due to synthetic estrogens or simply low testosterone. Unfortunately, synthetic estrogen is prominent in many of our food sources and difficult to avoid, so it is good to know a defense. Turmeric is available in most grocery stores. Consider purchasing organic turmeric. It is also available in capsules in many health food and supplement stores. Jump start testosterone and balance out your hormone response by adding these delicious herbs and supplements into your daily routine! Here is a recipe for an Ayurvedic smoothie for your symptoms of low testosterone to get you started on your road to a more vigorous you! What have you tried that works?

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