Emails aside, here are five struggles you’ve undoubtedly encountered at some stage during your post-vacation crash:

1. You dread being in your own house

After the star-studded splendor of the Hilton and the rigorous attention to detail of the Radisson, your humble abode is hardly a tropical oasis that’s exciting to return to. Time around the pool is replaced by time mowing the lawn, walks on the beach are now walks on the treadmill, and the bikini girls you spent hours watching (narrowly avoiding being caught out by your partner) are now figures of your imagination. You’re back at that place called home, and it sucks. You now remember why TV was invented, and have a new appreciation for the work they do on the TV show, The Block.

2. You realize you’re broke

Vacation’s over, time to inspect the budget. The first day back at work is normally spent trolling through account statements and drinking copious amounts of office coffee to try to fill the gaping hole in your stomach- a hole caused by the slow realization that your hard-earned savings were stolen by Santa. Well, actually it was you acting as Santa and buying all those treats for the kids, the pamper session for your wife, and that duty free computer you had to have at the Los Angeles International Airport. No amount of liquid luck can hide the fact that your healthy bank balance just had a stroke, and it’s up to you to administer CPR.

3. You feel time has slowed

In the days following your return from vacation, you seem to have had trouble with that fancy Rolex you purchased from a friendly gentleman in a tailored suit standing on the sidewalk of a busy street in Baghdad. You are sure that it’s running slow, and are considering your options for a replacement, when you realize it’s not the watch, it’s just that life seems slow and boring compared to your vacation. Oh well. You take solace in the fact that there could be nothing wrong with your beautiful, brand new watch… Wait, is that “Rolox” inscribed on the back?

4.  You daydream a lot

While you’re sitting in your office at work, you hear a knock on the door and your boss enters, holding a big yellow file. He’s red in the face, and shouting something at you, and all you can manage to do is smile, wave, and walk out the door. You leave the building with the idea of selling everything you own, jumping on a plane to a tropical island somewhere, and living off fish and coconuts while spending every day on the beach with the sun in your face. Then you wake up. It’s not the boss, it’s your co-worker inquiring about the blank look on your face, and cautiously asking if everything is OK, as it seems to have become a regular occurrence. Rats. Another lunchtime daydream spoiled. But wait, your Rolox says you’ve got time for one more…

5. You realize that you’re a cog in the machine

Blinded by the euphoria of travel, and the expectation of adventure, excitement, and an unlimited supply of Coronas delivered to your hammock by attractive wait staff, during your vacation work took a welcome sideline seat. But once the party’s over, and the reality of life sinks in upon return from your vacation, you seem to see things in a whole new light. Suddenly, that task that you’ve been assigned seems trivial, and you wonder how the 700 other people in your office can stand coming in day in, day out, to work in a place where you don’t even know what your CEO looks like in person. The free beers from the friendly bar manager at the “Rio de Beerto” inspires you more than the establishment you work for when you realize that here you really have no greater purpose than to make the shareholders rich, and your clients happy. Oh well, at least there’s free coffee in the staff room down the hall… Featured photo credit: Travel | Kathmandu | Nepal via