How To Keep A Conversation Going And Never Run Out Of Things To Say

In the past, I I struggled with this so much that I thought it could never be solved. I even thought it had to do with my DNA or something… but I proved myself wrong when I learned how to solve it. Not knowing how to keep a conversation going can harm your social life, but if you know how to keep those words flowing, you can meet, talk to, and get to know pretty much anyone you like—creating great possibilities for friendship, fun and shared activities that you would otherwise have missed out on....

January 25, 2023 · 5 min · 894 words · Jody Marlow

How To Keep Your Pets Warm In Winter

Unlike us humans, our pets are more affected by our seasonal changes compared to us. We are constantly protected, we shed our clothes to minimalism when necessary or we add on layers like an onion. However, our pet’s aren’t as flexible, they may go through some shedding process during the summer and their fur may be thicker during the winter but they aren’t as liberated as us. During winter it could be the hardest for our furry friends, so how do we keep them warm and ensure their comfort?...

January 25, 2023 · 4 min · 708 words · Gary Tisdale

How To Let Go Of Resentment And Anger

If you can’t remember, then you may be holding on to resentments. When it comes to dealing with other people, many of us find ourselves helplessly oscillating between anger and fear. We constantly try to find quick fixes to soothe moments of blind rage and alleviate anxious thoughts. However, these “solutions” are usually nothing more than temporary fixes, which allow us to white knuckle it through one more day. Meanwhile, the root of the problem continues to fester and get worse until we can’t even bear to look at it anymore....

January 25, 2023 · 6 min · 1132 words · Jason Whitting

How To Make Gmail Gcal Rock Your Tasks

Many people also love Gmail and Gcal as two of their online tools of choice – they’re simple tools that get the job done fast, wherever and whenever you need them. If you count yourself among this group, here’s a guide for using the Gmail/Gcal combination as your online information center. Gmailing Things Done (GTD). If you’re a fan of GTD, Gmail can be a simple way of implementing your to-do system....

January 25, 2023 · 4 min · 641 words · Jose Martin

How To Make Invisible Ink For Ink Jet Printers

How Make Invisible Printer Ink – Watch the best video clips here Thanks Loup for making this video and let us know. It is a good hack.

January 25, 2023 · 1 min · 27 words · Patricia Yentsch

How To Make Yourself Smarter

My favorite is working puzzles. Elderly people are told to keep their minds nimble by doing a variety of different kinds of puzzles (such as Sudoku and jigsaw puzzles). It stand to reason that we younger folk can make ourselves smarter by doing various different kinds of puzzles, too. Also noteworthy is that both exercise and rest make us smarter. Exercise gets our blood and oxygen circulating and rest gives the brain a chance to assimilate all the information it has taken in....

January 25, 2023 · 1 min · 127 words · Sue Palmer

How To Negotiate Skilfully To Get What You Want All The Time

When it comes to salary negotiations, to take just one example, a survey [1] found one-fifth of all workers don’t negotiate salary at all when given a job offer. Nearly half of those surveyed – 48 percent – said they always get nervous when it comes to salary negotiations, and a further 39 percent sometimes do. When asked why, 18 percent said they think negotiation is inherently unpleasant. But because negotiation is necessary, it’s important to work to change those feelings of angst and learn to negotiate in a way that makes both you and your clients feel good....

January 25, 2023 · 4 min · 734 words · Mildred Cannon

How To Open A Sticky Jar Lid With Duct Tape

Simply take about a foot of duct tape and wrap a small end onto the top of the jar in order for it to stay put. Then, fold the duct tape in half (length-wise) in order to make the remaining tape stronger. Pull away from the jar and it will pop right open. If the lid doesn’t want to come off with a single layer of duct tape, try multiple layers for added strength and you should be successful....

January 25, 2023 · 1 min · 88 words · Javier Robertson

How To Overcome Rsi While Building Your Dream Writing Career

The worst nightmare of anyone who uses a computer for longer than four hours every day without taking proper breaks. Writers are no different. If it’s not their dry eyes or stiff neck, then it’s illnesses with sexy names: tenosynovitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, nerve entrapment syndromes, and so on. These are only a few of the many chronic health issues writers face while making a living and delivering on their promises to clients....

January 25, 2023 · 3 min · 638 words · Marty Kenoyer

How To Quit Your Boring Routine And Reignite Your Life

Research shows that people are quick to feel regret mainly for things we haven’t done, as opposed to something we have done. In their metanalytic review of 11 regret studies, researchers Neal Roese and Amy Summerville discovered the top six domains participants reported experiencing regret (in descending order): education, career, romance, parenting, self, and leisure.[1] Drastic change is not essential to start basking in new rays of sunshine in your life....

January 25, 2023 · 9 min · 1907 words · Denise Duchesne

How To Relieve Stress And Restore Energy

I think we all know the dangerous side effects of too much stress in our lives. Stress is a major contributor to many poor health outcomes, such as diabetes, weight gain, hypertension, poor memory, and a whole host of mental health issues.[1] Therefore, how we manage the stress in our lives, needs to be revisited with a fresh and new perspective, in the same way, we need to clean out and freshen up our closet every so often....

January 25, 2023 · 11 min · 2253 words · Harris Carpenter

How To Save Money Around Your Home

In fact, if you actually follow all the simple tips on this infographic, you could save almost $9,000 a year without much effort at all. Plus, many of these ideas could also benefit the environment by saving you water, electricity and gas. Of course, not everyone can actually do all of these tasks (I absolutely have to have the web on my cell phone and I don’t even have an A/C), but even if you can only do a few of these and can only end up saving a few hundred dollars a year -you still will save money....

January 25, 2023 · 1 min · 99 words · Susan Roberts

How To Set Goals Like Katie Ledecky

She thoroughly cleaned up in Rio, winning four gold medals—three of them individual—and a silver. Her 400 and 800m freestyle wins were devastating, with her margin of victory in the latter a staggering 11-plus seconds. She swept the 200-400-800m freestyles, something that hadn’t been done since 1968, displaying a once-in-a-generation range of speed and ability. She’s now a two time Olympian, kicked an American Ninja Warrior’s butt at a made-up game on Ellen, and tossed a heater when she threw the first pitch at a Washington Nationals game....

January 25, 2023 · 4 min · 782 words · Michael Taylor

How To Sleep Better 10 Things To Remember For A Good Night S Sleep

1. Discover your natural sleeping rhythm. Find a few days in a row where you don’t have to be awake by any particular time and forget about setting your alarm. Go to bed at the same time every night and let your body awake when it chooses to do so. Write down when you wake and write down how you feel. Repeat this exercise until you discover your ideal sleep schedule....

January 25, 2023 · 4 min · 822 words · Herman Stinson

How To Start And Run A Mastermind Group

In this article I’ll lay out what a mastermind group is, the benefits of having a mastermind group, and concrete strategies and actions you can take to start your own mastermind group today. What Is A Mastermind Group? The first place I came across the concept of a mastermind was in Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich. In it, Hill describes a mastermind group as: In my experience, my mastermind groups have formed around multiple people striving for a common purpose – from goals as small as college admissions and improving fitness, to as large as your entire life....

January 25, 2023 · 5 min · 915 words · Jean Lindeman

How To Stay At The Top Of Your Game Everyday

However, dreams don’t come true unless you are motivated enough to work towards your goals and strive persistently until they are accomplished. As the road to success gets tougher, most people lose heart and soon give up on their dreams. The initial enthusiasm and determination withers away and it becomes extremely challenging to re-motivate yourself again to pursue your dreams with renewed vigor. If you are one of those who follow their dreams for a while and suddenly lose interest if it takes a bit too long to attain them, then you can use the following tips to stay motivated:...

January 25, 2023 · 3 min · 597 words · James White

How To Turn Your Mid Career Crisis Into An Opportunity

Whether you’re newer in your career or facing a mid-career crisis, it is common to feel moments of stress, uncertainty, or confusion in your career. However, with the right guidance and support, you can turn that feeling into a strategic and positive opportunity. Here are eight tips on how to overcome a mid-career crisis and turn it into an opportunity. Are You Experiencing a Mid-Career Crisis? Ask yourself these questions and see if you’re experiencing any of these signs:...

January 25, 2023 · 8 min · 1672 words · Derrick Salvo

How To Unlock Her Confidence 7 Secrets That All Successful Women Leaders Know

Confidence is the best accessory to put on before stepping out into the world and even the highest, most powerful women struggle with not feeling good enough. In society, we’re taught men are the leaders and rarely do we see women in powerful positions running corporations and changing the world. These 7 secrets from successful women leaders throughout history will reveal, why that is a lie and how to create your own mindset of excellence....

January 25, 2023 · 4 min · 740 words · Tracey Provost

How To Use White Vinegar In Household Applications

About Used as a preservative by the Babylonians, Greeks and Romans, other cultures believed white vinegar to be a health tonic, as its acetic acid content makes it very effective in killing bacteria, mold and other germs. A completely natural product, white vinegar is often used in cooking, and is one of the most effective all-purpose cleaners you’ll find thanks to its powerful disinfecting properties. It also works as a remedy for bruises among other health and beauty features....

January 25, 2023 · 1 min · 165 words · John Overstreet

How To Write A Career Change Resume With Examples

Your ability to clearly and confidently articulate your transferable skills makes it easier for employers to understand how you are best suited for the job or industry. A well written career change resume that shows you have read the job description and markets your transferable skills can increase your success for a career change. 3 Steps to Prepare Your Mind Before Working on the Resume Step 1: Know Your ‘Why’ Career changes can be an unnerving experience....

January 25, 2023 · 7 min · 1456 words · Lloyd Gilmore