Over the past 24 years Mr Neill has worked as a “coach, adviser, friend, mentor, and creative spark plug to celebrities, CEOs, royalty, and people who want to get more out of themselves and their lives.” He has dedicated his life to helping people understand the vast, untapped resource that is inside all of us: our human potential. In his incredibly inspiring Tedx Bend Talk he tells us how we can utilize our potential and overcome any challenge by changing the way we think about it. “We are thinking beings and we actually live in the feeling of our thinking, not the feeling of the world. When you begin to understand that every experience that you have is created from the inside out, it fundamentally changes your relationship to experience.”  – Michael Neill interview on soulove.com If we live in a world that is created by our thoughts, we can significantly change that world by altering our thoughts.  If our thinking towards a situation is negative, that situation continues to be a struggle and is possibly something we never overcome.  For example, “I’m too old to do that,” “I’m not smart enough,” or “I don’t have enough experience,” are all fear based thoughts and examples of ways we limit ourselves. By changing our thoughts around a situation, we see it differently and experience it differently.  If we are encouraging and positive with ourselves we can remove our self-imposed limits or barriers.  We can make ourselves “awesomer.” In his latest book The Inside-Out Revolution, Mr. Neill shares a new understanding of how life works.  His approach is built on three principles that explain where our feelings come from and how our experience of life can transform for the better in a matter of moments. “Because we’ve been conditioned from birth to believe in the myth of an outside-in world, we assume the path back to well-being and joy and peace of mind must be through getting a better job or a better partner or working on becoming a better person. The irony is that the harder we work on changing ourselves in order to change the way we feel, the more distant we become from our true self, and the more important it seems to work on all those things, and the more lost we become. So, regardless of what ‘problem’ we think we have, our only real problem is feeling cut off from our innate wisdom and well-being. And the moment we reconnect to that source energy, our problems stop being so problematic and we move into a new reality” – Michael Neill on Supercoach.com Sounds like a man who knows what he’s talking about, right? Consider this passage from a recent article Neill wrote in the Huffington Post. You can read more of Michael Neill’s teachings in his other books You Can Have What You Want and Supercoach: 10 Secrets to Transform Anyone’s Life or by listening to his audio programs Effortless Success and Coaching from the Inside-Out.  For more information go to: http://www.supercoach.com/ If you have a few spare minutes the Tedx Bend Talk above is worth a watch.  I would love to hear your thoughts on it in the comments below. Featured photo credit: GORE-TEX® Athlete Ines Papert climbing/GORE-TEX® Products via flickr.com