1. The Diversity Of Culture

Canada is no stranger to diversity and uniqueness in culture. Its land prides itself on diversity and perceives it as their strength instead of a drawback. This uniqueness is then brought to the daily livelihood of Canadians, therefore every culture is celebrated and paraded. You’ll find Chinese New Years, Deepavali, Eid Ul Fitri and Christmas all celebrated by everyone. When there’s constant sharing, Canadians find accepting travelers from all parts of the world as something amazing instead of being skeptic. Hence the humility and friendliness of Canadians would allow you to travel and enjoy your vacation in peace. Plus, you might even make amazing friends throughout your travels and the next time you’re there you wouldn’t have to book a hotel or couch surf anymore; instead, you could just ring up a friend.

2. Abundance of Food

Food is a crucial part of traveling. We all look forward to expanding our taste buds in any country we visit. Having adventures with food whether it’s good or bad can be exhilarating and memorable. Canada is the land of food innovation and amazing maple syrup. If you think the bottled maple syrup is exactly the same as the one in Canada then you don’t know what you’re missing. For the very first time, dipping fries into maple syrup may not be weird at all. Plus, due to the colonization of both the French and English, Canada has two strong food sectors. You’ll be able to find the best blue cheese in various parts of Quebec and you will also be able to enjoy those huge English breakfasts and black pudding in British Columbia. On the other hand, if you’re traveling towards Nova Scotia you’ll find unlimited amounts of fresh fish right from the sea, and you might find amazing discoveries among marine food that you’ve never tried before. From then on, you’ll never be able to describe fish the same way. The tip is to always be fearless when trying out different cuisine; you’ll be amazed by your taste buds.

3. Amazing Architecture

While for some, food is the main purpose of traveling or a way to identify with the history and the culture of a country, for others it may be the architecture and the history that tells the story. Reminiscing and observing every curve and every sculpture in a building gives a sense of fulfillment and history. It defines and shows how the country was formed. Canada has had a strong influence from both the French and the English. The mini France is what Quebec is known for: its buildings reminding one of the French Renaissance—it could bring one to tears. If you’re looking to spend a romantic holiday this place would be perfect for that. As you walk down the street you can imagine walking down the alleys of Strasbourg in the South of France. However, if you’re looking for something more fancy and royal then you can always take the next ride to British Columbia—the English part of Canada where the architecture represents class and the aristocratic part of English society.

4. It’s a Place To Feed On Adventure and Entertainment

For those with a passion for adventure and adrenaline, head to the Banff National Park and take on an adventure. For those who are high-spirited, you can indulge in hiking and climbing. With an array of open campsites, take it up a notch by staying in the wild. Switch the sceneries of being in a four-walled bedroom to limitless nature. If you love skiing or snowboarding, Mount Norquay offers the perfect slopes according to the season for one to ski or snowboard. Its high mountains give one of the most perfect atmospheres to push the boundaries of excitement. On the other hand, most of us would want to visit the rainbow bridge, Niagara Falls. The manmade falls have never failed to impress people from all around the world. You can always wine and dine in the wonderful restaurants overlooking the falls whilst gazing into the sunset, or you could also enjoy some childhood pleasures in the theme parks. Overall, it’s safe to say Canada is a perfect place for those who are wanting different types of adventures or looking to constantly shake things up. Hence why not Canada for an amazing holiday? Featured photo credit: Harry Sandhu via unsplash.com