The sedentary desk lifestyle affects more than your team’s health—it’s also hurting your company’s bottom line. Here’s why you switch your mindset and focus on productivity hacks to whip your team into shape.

Extra Weight Holds Your Company Back

In 2010, obesity cost the United States $73 billion, the culprit being lost productivity due to poor health. We are all well-aware of the consequences that come with being overweight: a higher body mass index puts people at risk of heart problems, cancer, diabetes, and even injuries. Those extra pounds zap your energy and make you feel exhausted. When you’re not exercising, you’re more likely to get sick, which means more days off for you and your team and less time spent building your business. The thing is, you can’t blame overweight employees. How can you? They’re the ones putting in 50+ hour weeks to build your company’s products and help bring your team to success. They can’t escape sitting at a computer all day, and as soon as they get home, they’re too exhausted to cook healthy meals and work out. Not to mention, gym memberships aren’t always cheap. (This is one of the reasons we bring in free, organic lunches for our staff at Contactzilla!) We’re dependent on technology to stay productive, and it’s hard to step away when we’re in the middle of launching new campaigns or getting close to launch day. Passion gets the best of us, but it’s also holding us back. Slowly but surely, all of that desk time will kill our stamina.

Losing Weight is About Everyday Decisions

Look, there’s more to weight loss than whether you can trim down from a size 16 to a size 2. At the end of the day, numbers mean nothing compared to how you feel: after all, not everyone is built to be super skinny. People of all shapes and sizes need to find the right balance for them, which can feel scary and daunting but is actually much easier than you think. Weight management starts with gradual change, not sudden shock treatment. It’s about developing new routines and sticking to your commitments.  Get lunch together (or bring it in for your team), have meetings while taking a walk, and encourage employees to go home earlier (or come in later) so they can spend some time exercising. One of the best things your employees can do to get healthy is plan meals. Don’t make them do it alone. Encourage more office lunches, this way you (or someone at your office) can do the planning for them. As tough as it sounds, get rid of the sodas and juices from your office and replace them with tea and water instead. In many cases, you’re probably already spending money on snacks—prioritize healthy ones.

A Healthy Office is a Productive Office

To build a healthier office, you need to implement change at the group level. Change shouldn’t be limited to one person because the success or failure of your organization depends on team productivity. Start by implementing a wellness program to help all of your employees get more active: This means encouraging healthy behaviors such as eating right, exercising, and quitting smoking. Remember that mental, financial, and family health fits into the equation, too. Our bodies are part of larger systems, and if one element is out of sync, others will follow suit.

Don’t Forget To Take Preventative Measures

Make sure to focus on preventative care and education too. When employees are informed, they will be empowered to make healthier life choices. Bring the doctor to the office, and invest in incentive programs for an extra level of encouragement. It’s worth it. So jump in. The time to start getting healthier was yesterday. What do you do in your office to encourage a healthy lifestyle and physical activity? Leave a comment and let us know.